Why cannabis is illegal – history

אבישר מרכז לבריאות ורפואה

In our region, it was common in Syria in the 1940s and a one-year experiment was also conducted for commercial-industrial cultivation of cannabis in Kibbutz Dafna in 1942. Despite the success of the experiment and the plans to expand it, the cannabis growth did not recur after one season, due to concern about using cannabis as a source of drugs. In Taiwan, remains of seeds were found in an estimate from 8000 BC.

2500 BC in China – the Land of Hemp

The rich wore silk clothes and the rest of the people wore hemp fabric and shoes.

The use of the herb was also common in China in a variety of diseases and health problems.

“Ma” is the Chinese name for cannabis.

1500 BC Scythians (a group of peoples who lived in the southern Ukraine between 8th and 1st century BC) began to grow cannabis for the clothes weaving. By 700-300 BC, cannabis has become through the passage of generations, a sacred plant that was deemed worthy to be a sacrifice for the gods.

214 AD Cannabis was first declared illegal when the governor of Rome in Egypt saw the Sufis smoking Cannabis and was concerned.

After the Scythians brought cannabis to Europe, its use spread throughout the continent.

In 1492 Columbus discovered America and brought the cannabis with him. The use of the plant spread even further.

1500 AD King of England Henry VIII require growing cannabis by law.

1600 AD Shakespeare is documented with a pipe of opium and cannabis. In the picture of his pipe collection.

In 1619, a new law was passed in Virginia that required farmers to grow Hemp.

At the same time in Central and South Asia, the use of cannabis has expanded as a currency similar to today’s money.

The founding fathers of the United States knew that cannabis is a good agricultural crop.

1745-1775 George Washington grew hemp in large amounts. It is documented that he ordered that male and female plants be separated. We can conclude that he was aware of the benefits of female cannabis flowers.

1798 Cannabis is outlawed again. Napoleon invades Egypt and declares Hashish illegal, fearing his soldiers will take the habit of smoking.

1808 Thomas Jefferson of the founding fathers of the United States, who wrote the Declaration of Independence:

“If the government decides what drugs and food the people take, their bodies will suffer very much like what happens to the soul of those who live under tyrannical rule”

1815 Thomas Jefferson “The Hump has plenty of uses and will always grow in the same place”

1812 Napoleon invades Russia in order to stop the supply of Hemp to the British.

1842 Cannabis was once again used as an available and accepted remedy in Britain.

*Evidence for the treatment of breast cancer in cannabis combined with coriander seeds about 2500 years ago.

*A woman’s skeleton is found in the Altai Mountains of Siberia

1863 With the invention of the morphine syringe becomes the number one drug and cannabis drops to second place.

1901 Aspirin is introduced and cannabis drops to third place.

1906 The FDA is established by virtue of a law requiring the marking of psychoactive ingredients in drugs and food products.

1920s Mexicans migrate to the United States.

1913 An incident in El Paso between Americans and Mexicans. The Americans claimed that the Mexicans attacked under marijuana.

From medicinal plant to dangerous drug – demonization of cannabis

DuPont and the other paper and plastics companies were afraid to lose millions so the slander campaign started turning marijuana into a public enemy. The war on drugs was never actually a war on drugs. The manufacturers of nylon, tobacco and alcohol defeated the cannabis plant. The goal was to prevent plant growth in the United States, as it was an excellent source of fiber from nature, and was a competition for fiber manufactured by DuPont at that time. Andrew Mellon, who owns a stake at DuPont, used his connections as Secretary of the Treasury to appoint his brother-in-law, Harry Anslinger, to head the Narcotics Drugs Office. 1930 Harry J. Anslinger – was the first commissioner of the Federal Drug Enforcement Authority of the US Treasury, which eventually turned into an anti-drug agency.

Through drug enforcement the government suppressed minorities.

There was a tax on marijuana, but because people did not meet the tax burden, marijuana became illegal.

In 1936, the first film, “Reefer Madness,” was screened to scare young people across the United States from using the plant, in which a woman who smokes marijuana begins to laugh while watching another man – who also smoked marijuana hit and beat a third person to death.

A quote from Harry Anslinger’s words:

“There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the US, and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz and swing result from marijuana use. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers and any others … Reefer make darkies think they’re as good as white men. “

Marihuana Tax Act of 1937

On October 2, 1937, without any discussion, scientific examination, or political opposition, President Roosevelt signed the new tax law. The law criminalized anyone who held marijuana without a tax clearance sticker from the Federal Treasury. In theory, the cultivation and sale of cannabis was still valid as long as the tax sticker was purchased for one dollar.   

In practice, the Ministry of Finance has rejected any request to purchase tax labels for cannabis products and thus any growth, trade or use of cannabis violates the law.

The US federal government transferred the authority to control illegal drugs to the Treasury Department, which later established the Federal Drug Division, which was known to support the Prohibition on Drug Abuse Act, became the first director of the Federal Drug Department in 1930. Including the claim that marijuana is a “drug of passage” and that its use leads to the use of other serious drugs, especially heroin.

In the 19th century, marijuana emerged as a popular remedy in the West. Studies in 1940 by a French physician named Jacques-Joseph Moreau found that marijuana suppresses headaches, increases appetite, and helps people to sleep Roger Adams was an expert in organic chemistry, As was commonly thought, was isolated and identified the CBD from cannabis sativa in 1940 and received a patent on 8/12/1942 for patent number 2,304,669 Adams also synthesized cannabinol CBN and THC Tetrahydrocannabinol, and his findings were published in the journal “Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS)” in 1939. In 1939, he focused on the study of the cannabis plant and for the purpose of his research in the plant he received from the State Treasury in the United States the prohibited substance at the time. The researchers used THC cigarettes containing liquid THC mixed with tobacco.

Between the years 1939-1945 – World War II Hemp was required to make uniforms for soldiers, ropes and sails. The farmers were asked to grow the plant. A propaganda film was published to raise the hemp for the victory over the Nazis.

1938-1944 New York City Mayor La Guardia announces a six-year study by 31 scientists: Cannabis is not a cause of violence, psychosis, uncontrolled libido and anti-social behavior.

Cannabis outlawed for the third time Senator Hale Boggs introduced a new bill aimed at increasing penalties for drug abuse. Boggs argued that heavy punishments should fall on those who deal with drugs, since drugs were a tool of Communist China. US President Truman confirmed and signed the new law.

1956 Anslinger continued the war against cannabis and pushed for further legislation. A new law signed by President Eisenhower put marijuana at the top of the list of dangerous drugs alongside heroin. Punishment has also been toughened with regard to the use of marijuana and anyone caught with marijuana or hashish – even if it is the first time – was sentenced to 2 to 10 years in prison..

In 1961, Anslinger succeeded, under the auspices of Government, to persuade about 180 countries around the world to update their laws Drugs in their country and their acceptance of American laws, with the goal of making marijuana illegal all over the world. The State of Israel, like all the other signatories, is committed to the provisions of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs 1961 of the United Nations. To date, we are subject to the United States.

Cannabis is classified under the definition of a dangerous drug without medical benefit.

The use of cannabis for medical purposes is mentioned in Section 12 of the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance [New Version], 5733-1973, which states that “the use of a dangerous drug is permissible if it is for the purpose of healing and the drug was provided to the user by a pharmacist, doctor or veterinarian under the conditions stated in section 11 (3) According to a license. “Article 7 of the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance prohibits the possession or use of a dangerous drug, except to the extent permitted by the Ordinance or by a license from the Director General of the Ministry of Health or from a person Which he authorized for this purpose.

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