Cannabis and skin care


What Cannabis does to the skin?

Cannabis is a powerful antioxidant [1]. It can protect the skin from environmental damage.

Antioxidants neutralize harmful compounds called free radicals. Free radicals are volatile molecules that “steal” atoms from cells and DNA and cause damage to the skin.

Free radicals, for example, are also ultraviolet rays from the sun as well as chemicals and compounds in smoke. In the modern environment, it is very difficult to avoid exposure to pollutants. However, the more exposure we have to free radical compounds, the more we increase skin damage.

Studies show that CBD is a stronger antioxidant than vitamins E and C, which are the main ingredients in many creams and masks.

Our immune system does not attack the free radicals that regularly attack the skin, so antioxidants are important, which is a form of extra protection against non-biological damage that changes the way our cells function.

Antioxidants accelerate skin repair and protect against harmful compounds before they can create damage, sometimes irreversible, in skin cells.

As you get older, your skin secretes less fat and becomes dry. The sebaceous glands, which are designed to lubricate and protect the skin from water penetration, shrink and milk production decreases. The skin becomes more vulnerable and permeable to pollutants.

Endocannabinoids are compounds that our body produces naturally like cannabinoids in cannabis.

A study [2] found that endocannabinoids help regulate fat secretion in the sebaceous glands. Via CB2 receptors.

No long-term research has yet been published on skin aging, but there seems to be a potential for cannabinoids based on cannabis to treat dry skin conditions such as atopic dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis.

While the antioxidant potential in cannabis may be beneficial against skin aging, smoking cannabis may worsen the skin condition. Smoke, in general, is full of volatile free radicals and causes cancer and skin aging. Compounds found in smoke interfere with the production of collagen, resulting in the skin losing its strength faster. The result is that the skin looks more sagging and damaged. When smoking a joint there is also a burning of paper which may contain unhealthy substances, free radicals. It is better to vaporize or use bang or to use oil or eating products containing cannabis and not to smoke.

Cannabis may cure skin cancer. A 2003 study found that skin cancer cells died from cannabis therapy while healthy cells were not affected by cannabis. There have not been such clinical studies in humans and therefore it is still difficult to say with certainty.

Hemp oil can be applied directly to the skin. A study [4] conducted in 2005 found that adding dietary supplemental oil to patients with atopic dermatitis (eczema) significantly improved the inflammation, dryness, and itching associated with this condition. For people who suffer from inflammation and irritation in the skin, it is recommended to consume the oil of Hemp, which is rich in omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids in the exact proportions that the body requires, and it is also recommended to use external creams and ointments containing cannabinoids and peppermint oil. Hemp oil contains linoleic acid. It is an omega fatty acid that promotes the production of high-quality milk fat in the skin. The high quality Champagne oil contains up to 60% of the linoleic acid, making it an excellent dietary supplement for skin health. Of course, the appearance of shiny and healthy skin is important to drink enough water and maintain hygiene.





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